Accepting the Status Quo

December 25, 2022

Accepting the Status Quo

Read and reflect on Joshua chapters 16 +17.

I find this an interesting devotional that falls right on Christmas day 2022. Jesus came to give victory over the status quo. These chapters discuss the land that Ephraim and Manasseh (tribal descendants of Joseph) would inherit. A pattern of acceptance begins, Joshua 16:10 “they did not dislodge the Canaanites…”

Joshua 17:3 “they subjected the Canaanites to forced labor but did not drive them out completely.”

So, we see more issues with fear and acceptance coming in Joshua 17:14-18, the tribe complains to Joshua to give them more land because they are so numerous.

Joshua simply expects them to battle and conquer what they need. Fear grips them. All they see is their enemy’s iron chariots instead of remembering God’s power and strength. This pattern of fear and accepting the status quo becomes a serious thorn of sin to Israel. Later, the people fall into idol worship of all the foreign gods from the nations they refused to dislodge completely. The same happens today. The sin might be very subtle and come disguised as ideology that at first appears as Christian, but a deeper look reveals true evil. Can I recognize it and stand against it? Sin is like that for me. God may have given me quite a bit of territory of blessing and rich Christian peace in my relationship with him but am I willing to drive out the sin completely. Do I see my sin? Am I willing to stand against sin that is surrounding me? Am I willing to confess it and break the strong hold of it with the power of God? Or do I only see the enemy’s iron chariots and Satan’s lies about my inability and weakness in my relationship with God? Do I accept my sin and fear to dislodge it?

Jesus alone can help me break the stronghold of sin and give me true victory and enjoyment of the territory God has given me. A good place for me or you to start is to remember 1 John 1:9 “if we confess our sin, he (Jesus) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Confession is a good place to start, and it leads to the road of victory that Jesus paved when he came to earth as a baby. It will give more insight to God’s directives in your life: whether to stand in the territory he has you in right now, free of idols, or to move forward to a new place that he intends for you.

“He rescues me unharmed from the battle waged against me, even though many oppose me.” Psalm 55:18 (NIV)




Territory and Boundaries


Merry Christmas