Writing Contest Info
About the Writing Contest:
The 2024 Contest is closed and the winners are now listed. We will leave this information up for students, parents and teachers to review for the 2026 contest. We only do the contest every other year. Thanks.
Hey brilliant writer! Here’s a bit of encouragement and the information you need to get started.
You could be the next winner and become a published author!
Do your research.
Ask your teachers for help in understanding a genre you would like to write.
Do your own work.
You must edit your own work, take your time.
Type up the final draft yourself.
Submit in each one of the categories for experience! There are four chances to win if you submit in each category!
Contact Us with any questions; we’re here to encourage you!
Submissions: 2024 is Closed and the winners have been announced.
Limit of one entry per student in each category (total of four entries possible)
Eligibility is open to all students in 5-12th grades whose residence is in Crawford Central, PENNCREST or Conneaut Area school districts. Private school, Cyber school and homeschool students residing in these areas are also eligible.
Publication rights will be to Beautiful Balance Inspirations, 501c3, nonprofit, private foundation, EIN#84-2698570. We retain the right to first publication of prize-winning entries. Authors retain all other copyrights.
Prize winners will be published in a booklet. The booklet will be available for families to purchase at $15.00. All proceeds will go to Beautiful Balance Inspirations for the 2026 contest. One copy will be gifted to each winner.
Prizes will be given first through third places.
Prizes will be in two age groups, middle school age 5th -8th grade, high school 9th -12th grade.
First Place- T-shirt,$150 cash
Second Place- T-shirt, $75 cash
Third Place-T-shirt, $50 cash
24 winners altogether with age groups and categories.
Qualifications for all entries must be the original work of the contestant.
No entries will be returned
Students may attend free writing workshops. Parents may observe. ( Zoom Video invite, students email: beautifulbalanceinspirations@gmail.com for your invite, ask for dates and times
Winner’s names and school will appear in publications.
Judging Criteria: 4 main criteria and 4 each for the separate categories of writing.
Aptness of title (title must suit the student’s entry).
Suitability (appropriateness to contest category and age level).
Continuity of theme.
Craftsmanship (quality, appropriate mechanics, and grammar).
Each criterion will be worth a score of zero to five points. A perfect score is 45.
Each separate category will have its subdivisions of 4 criteria. You may review and download the judges’ rubric on the judges’ page.
Note to Parents and Teachers:
Please communicate all rules to your students. Students must choose their topic and submit it in good form. All work, including editing, must be the student’s work.