Make a Difference in Someone’s Life Today.
Connect your story to people across the world. We are a 501c3. Any amount helps.
Change a life, change a community. It starts here.
No one has ever become poor by giving.
-Anne Frank
Where Your Donation Goes
Your funds support rent at our centers, pay tutor salaries, purchase computers and other educational materials, pay for translation fees and printing of needed materials. In the USA we sponsored Inspired 2020 and with our partners published the 24 youth winners compiled entries into the book I am a Writer, Inspired 2020.
Your funds support our sewing center rent, pay sewing teacher salary, pay each artisan salary for finished items, purchase materials for classes and pay shipping costs to create fair trade commerce.
Your funds help us organize and host health clinics at our existing world centers. We connect with local hospitals, doctors, and nurses to find our experts for Vision clinics and other health care opportunities. We do not engage in healthcare in the USA.