Africa Report May 2022

May 21, 2022

Hello Ellen, trusting you and your family are in good health! 


The Beulah Mission School has had some real challenging moments this post COVID pandemic era but we continue to push through by faith alone in our Lord! Amidst all of these odds, God has been faithful and thank you for your prayers and support to the school! 


Despite these challenges, we are seeing the fruits coming forth as our students are doing well, physically, academically, and spiritually. Part of our support was the sponsorship program which discontinued due to the pandemic but we are praying and trusting the Lord to jump start the process for the coming academic 2022-2023 school year. 


On another note, we have embarked on a long term sustainable plan which we believe will yield the accrued dividend in the not distant future. The plan is to cultivate fifteen acres of land from the 50 we have for the sole purpose of planting tree crops (Cocoa) used to make chocolate. We have packaged 2000 seeds in poly bags which are doing very well but will need funding to clear the land, hire people to plant, fertilizer for the trees and maintenance of the farm. 


Prayer points:

1. For sponsors for our students come 2022-2023 academic year

2. That the Lord opens the doors financially to enable us to raise $6000-8000 for the farm project.

3. For a motorbike to eased the burden of mobility (900)

4.Pray for the health, safety and provisions for our staff.

5. Pray for the communities we serve so that their hearts continue to be open to the Gospel.


I have attached photos of the trees.



Pastor David and Wilma Snydler


India Report June 2022


The Whole Way