Are you a Refuge?

February 24, 2023-Are you a refuge?

Read and reflect on Joshua chapter 20.

I kept thinking about the concept of the cities of refuge. One of my favorite verses came to mind: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). That was the only verse that I could remember when a tragic accident struck our family. Our young children were innocently doing “farm work” when the very old cutting implement broke apart forever doing permanent damage to one of them. It was truly the only Bible verse that came into my mind the whole ride to the hospital in the ambulance. I did find refuge and strength from God to get through it. My children and family did as well. We leaned into God’s strength and grace to move forward.

How about myself now? Am I portraying enough of my Jesus to draw people into a safe place, a place of healing, a place of love, a place of acceptance? Do I offer them strength and help? That is the whole thrust of the gospel, the entirety of the story of the Bible – Jesus is our refuge, he fills us enough to be that for others- that amazing kind of love and strength draws people to Christ- it is never that I or any Christian can covert a soul to Christianity, it is the refuge we find in Christ that others wish for themselves as well; when they see it plainly in us.

I don’t always do this well and I am thankful that Jesus is merciful and gives me a new day to re-do loving others in a better way. “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23, ESV).






Book Signing March 25, 2023