Dare to be a Daniel-Courage in the Culture

Dare to be a Daniel.

Read and reflect on all of Daniel chapter 1.

Background: Daniel and three close friends will be the main characters in this book of the Bible. They were noble or royal family young men, taken captive from Israel by Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon. They were carried off to Babylon and sent to training for three years to learn the language and culture and become of some use to Nebuchadnezzar. And yes, they would have all been made eunuchs, which was standard warfare practice back then.

Daniel and his friends made a decision to follow God in a small way by requesting to eat a clean diet, not the rich King’s food allotted to them (v.8-15). This food, especially the meat, would have been detestable to them because it was sacrificed to the gods of Babylon before being served to those in the king’s palace. Because of their choice to follow God in the foreign culture, God blessed them in verse 17 “to these four young men, God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds.”

So, in verse 20 we see that King Nebuchadnezzar tested and interviewed them after their three years of training and found that they were 10X better than all the other wise men and enchanters in his whole kingdom.

Are you using all your gifts and talents that God has given you so they stand out 10X more excellent than all those around you? Think about some small practical things that you can do which will help you focus on God’s gifts and talents in your own life and find ways that will multiply your excellence. Daniel and his crew made a healthy diet choice. Maybe you need to change up your diet too? Maybe you need to read God’s word more? Maybe you need a Bible study partner? Maybe you need to volunteer and “do” God’s word?

Jesus said in the Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13:23 “But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understand it. He produces a crop yielding 100X, 60X, or 30X what was sown.”

Daniel heard God’s word from childhood and he followed it. God multiplied Daniel’s small effort by ten. How much will God multiply your small effort? Do you want to see 100X, 60X, 30X or 10X of excellence? Dare to be a Daniel, follow with excellence.





The Friendship Factor


Daniel 5-YouTube Blurb, Courage in the Culture