God’s Way

September 29, 2022-God’s Way

Read and reflect on Joshua chapter 6, the fall of Jericho.

Joshua 6:20 “When the trumpets sounded, the people shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the people gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so every man charged straight in and they took the city.” (NIV) Jericho falls with a shout and trumpet blasts. God’s way of doing things certainly confounds people. I am sure those that follow God faithfully like Joshua, you and me, question in their minds and maybe even verbally –how, why, when, what on earth is God doing?! God builds trust when the direction is communicated, the execution takes place and results are listed! God communicated to the people to march, shout and trumpet. The people executed the marching, shouting and trumpet blasting. The following was again, extremely specific, with seven days of marching and holding off on the trumpets and shouting until God’s timing was ready. The results: the walls crumbled! Trust is established and Joshua’s leadership is validated because he is communicating God’s plan and vision. Do you feel like you are just marching? Be patient, God will give you the command to blow the trumpets and shout at just the right time. The victory needs to be Gods’, not our own.





Achan’s Sin

