
Read and reflect on Daniel Chapter 2:1-23

King Nebuchadnezzar is stressed by a dream and wants the dream revealed and interpreted by his wise men. The wise admit that no one could do that unless it was a god walking among men (vs. 11). The decree goes out from the king that every wise man in Babylon will be executed if the dream is not revealed and interpreted.

Daniel and his buddies step up. Daniel and friends plead with God for the answer (vs 18). God grants favor to Daniel and reveals the dream and interpretation. Daniel praises God with a song (vs 20-23) recounting God’s wisdom and power over all the earth.

Have you ever pleaded with God?

I see this as going way beyond normal prayer.

Jesus pleaded with God in the Garden in Luke 22:44, “and being in anguish he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.”

I did plead with God over the adoption difficulties we faced while adopting our daughter from India. I did not experience blood dripping out of my pores but did experience physical distress while fasting and praying long hours into the night.

Daniel received an answer that bought life for him, his friend, his captive people, and all the wise men in Babylon.

Jesus received an answer that bought the opportunity of spiritual life for the whole world, but death for him.

Will you praise God whether the answer is in your favor or not?

If you follow God wholeheartedly like Daniel and Jesus, the praise will come to your lips no matter the answer!

God did answer my prayers and eventually our daughter arrived home from India after almost three years of delays. Praise came to my lips the day I lifted her into my arms at the orphanage along with tears of joy flowing freely for all to see.

Some situations require pleading. God hears our cries. Take your pleading to the one and only who can give an answer.




Wednesday’s Wisdom


The Friendship Factor