Repentance toward Victory


October 11, 2022

Read and reflect on Joshua chapter 8 today.

Joshua chapter 8-Repentance to Victory

Joshua 7:25 “…then all Israel stoned him, and when they had stoned the rest,  they burned them.” (NIV) The profoundly serious consequence of Achan’s sin led to his stoning and all his family and possessions were destroyed as well. Seems harsh I know. But God is completely holy, he was giving a holy land to a people he was teaching to become holy. The seriousness of sin was made clear to the people. God accepted the confession of Achan and the sacrifice of him and all his family and possessions. The later result was that God led the people to have victory over the city of Ai. They continued to advance into the Holy Land he had promised. We live in a time now where Jesus has come and paid the sacrifice for our sin. We don’t have to go forward, confess, get stoned and have our life ended like Achan. We can confess our sin, confess Christ as savior, accept his sacrifice in our place and the forgiveness he offers and walk in victory over sin in this earthly life and look forward to eternity with God after this life ends. Romans 6:23 says “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (NIV) Get living, Jesus is waiting and his way offers freedom from sin.




Writers Road Trip 2022


Achan’s Sin