River Crossing and Exalting!

September 9, 2022

Read and reflect on Joshua Chapter for today.

Joshua 4- River Crossing and Exalting!

Joshua 4:14 “That day the Lord exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and they revered him all the days of his life, just as they had revered Moses.” What was so awesome about “that day”? God stopped up the river Jordan and held it back when the priests entered the river with God’s Ark of the Covenant. The entire people (millions) crossed on dry ground. Nothing like a good God miracle to establish your leadership! After this miracle, Joshua tells the tribe leaders to take 12 stones, one for each tribe, from the dry riverbed and make a monument on the other side. The monument was to remember what God had done for them. Have you ever saved a special reminder, made a monument or other such memento about what God has done for you? Go back and take a look at some of those things this week and do some remembering. You will probably see that God has done some exalting in your life to confirm some things about your leadership. Thank him.






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