Zooming March 1st

The Time is Near, book discussion group is meeting each Wednesday night at 7pm. We started on the first day of Lent, Feb 22 and plan on meeting until May 3rd.

Highlights yesterday covered day 2 up to day 8 in the 70-day devotional. This took us through Revelation 1:4 all the way to Revelation 3:6.

If you are a Christian, when was the last time you wrote out your own testimony? If ever? If you have, when was the last time you read and reviewed what you wrote? Our Christian life is moving forward daily as we become more like Christ. Our testimony may change with additions of specific ways God has worked in our life up to this moment. Do a testimonial review this week.

Second big highlight: What country did you choose to pray for that is under much persecution? Some of our participants chose China, India and Saudi Arabia.

Third: Your list of words that describe you as part of God’s family.

Fourth: What is some unfinished spiritual business you would like to tackle in the near future?

We finished our session with time to pray for one another. Join us next week as we cover day 9 up to day 15.

You can purchase the book here and ask for a signed copy which I can easily give you. Or you can purchase the book on Amazon, either way, get your copy and join our discussion group. The Time is Near-take it to heart, Revelation 1:3! Send me a message to get the Zoom link.




Book Signing March 25, 2023


Are you a Refuge?