Daniel-Courage in the Culture

June 11, 2023

Daniel- Courage in the Culture

Read through the book of Daniel today.

The next journey of devotion writing for me will be in the book of Daniel. I will give a break today and remind you to read the whole book for yourself. It is only 12 short chapters. If you don’t have a Bible download one on your phone- I recommend Bible Gateway or YouVersion apps for your phone. Once it’s downloaded choose to read the Bible in your mother tongue. There are many languages available and hopefully yours is one of them.

I wrote this verse today from my reading, Deuteronomy 29:29 “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.” Moses wrote that to remind people that we have all the information needed to follow God, it’s recorded. You can read it for yourself, it can be spoken to you if you are illiterate or it can be preached – no excuses, the word of God has been revealed, it is not secret.

Read it, meditate on it, question it, apply it- choose to Follow. Listen to Chris Tomlin’s song “I will follow”.

Next up Daniel…exploring one of God’s great followers. Daniel was filled with God’s courage in the Babylonian culture which was in total opposition to God Almighty and all Daniel’s upbringing as a Jew. Let’s follow God with courage as Daniel and stand for His righteousness in our own cultures which stand in opposition to Him.

Zoom group discussions available on Wednesday nights at 8pm. Email me for your Zoom invite.




Daniel 5-YouTube Blurb, Courage in the Culture


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