Joshua in Review

May 20, 2023

Joshua in Review

Joshua 2:11 “The Lord your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below.”

Joshua, the warrior, leader, and follower of God! Some themes that we saw in Joshua:

1.     God keeps his promises, the Promised Land became a reality for the Israelites!

2.     God brings the victory and gives the blessings.

3.     God expects obedience, following well.

I love how God has the mistakes of leaders recorded in scripture. Joshua made a big mistake when he did not inquire of the Lord about the people of Gibeon. He had to own up to leaning into his own power and not God’s power and direction. He had to fix the mistake by acting in the truth of the oath and treaty he created with Gibeon. It was a consequence of weight.

It goes along with the theme of obedience. Joshua learned to follow God more closely. I value the lessons we can learn from the scriptures without necessarily having to go through the same scenario. God gives us the knowledge in the Bible, so we can avoid sin, mistakes, and consequences of weight.

But even in our own mistakes and sinful choices, God proves himself faithful to his promises of always being there for us and never leaving or forsaking us (Hebrews 13:5). Every book of the Bible is filled with an abundance of awesome knowledge about our God. Joshua is just one Old Testament character who portrays the traits and values that God would like to develop in every one of his children. Study, learn and become all that God would have you be.




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