Kristen’s Kookies

I want to thank everyone who came to my book signing at Kristen’s Kookies last Saturday, April 22, 2023. I know I am a bit late at getting this little blog up but that is how it goes sometimes with work and family commitments.

I have to say a special thank you to Kristen for making delicious salted caramel iced cookies for my book patrons. She certainly knows how to make a person feel welcomed in her little bakery.

To my book fans, thanks for supporting my writing and our home town cookie shop. Our chats with hot tea made my Saturday morning. It was nice to catch up with friends I haven’t seen in person for awhile. Social media and Zoom doesn’t to justice to good old face to face real time visiting!

Anytime you have hankering for a good cookie stop by Kristen’s Kookies. Grab a couple on the way home from work for a special after dinner dessert. Or go full out and order a couple of dozen for your next gathering.

I will keep you posted on The Time is Near coffee shop tour. I have a few family and work commitments coming in May so I am not when I will do the next book signing.

Let me know if you have a great coffee shop or other welcoming business that would host me for a book signing. If you make the arrangements, I will give you a free copy of The Time is Near to share with a friend.




Romania Report


Inspired Book Signing