Romania Report

Dear Ellen & Russ,

Greetings from Bethesda family !!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you are doing well ...

 We praise God that our lives are in HIS hands. We are under HIS protection . Even around us the things are not "nice", we have peace in our hearts and trust in HIM ! We are sorry to come so late with some news about us .... being busy with everything we have to do here ....We continue to help and care our children, families ... but the refugees, too.

 Some news:

 1. We have a new family in our care: Petronela Tuchel (21 years old) (Abela's sister) with her 2 daughters: Marta (4 years old) and Izabela (18 months).

It is a so sad story behind.

When she was 14 years old, she was kidnapped by a gypsy and was made his wife, by force.

Coming from a very poor and uneducated family, nobody helped her .... Just accepted this reality.

She was pregnant very soon ... and now, at 21 years old, she has already 3 children. The last one, few months old, was taken directly from maternity by one of her sister-in-law ... because she is not able to care all 3 of them. Anyway, she is not able to care herself and her children.

Two weeks ago, her husband kicked her out of the house, along with her 2 little girls.

Petronela had a very sad life. She experienced many abuses.

Please, pray for her and the children. 

 2. Soon, we are thinking to take another girl in the girls house. Please, pray for this.

Dana Paun is her name. She is only 11 years old. Her parents divorced. The mother left everything behind and moved in Italy where she has another husband. Her father is not caring her ... 

We hope and pray that God will agree with this decision to take this girl with us ... 

 3. A good news is about Andreea Banu.

Maybe you remember from our messages I wrote to you .... about her ...

When she came in Betesda (6 years ago), she was very stubborn. Day by day, week by week, month and month .... God changed her a lot.

One week ago she was baptized. God touched her life and change it ! 

Please, pray for her. She is a child of God now and she is EXACTLY like a child, like a baby ... in God's kingdom. 

We are so happy to see her how she starts to walk with God ....

Please, continue to pray for her to go well with her education ... She will finish the high-school in this summer (in around 6 weeks). Than she will have very, very important exams to be able to receive a diploma that she finished the high school and than she will have another exams to be able to go to University.

Her desire is to go to Emanuel University from Oradea - a Christian University - where she would like to study economic informatics.

Please, pray for her .... 

 4. Also pray for Geanina Ali. She will finish the gymnasium in this summer and after very serious exams, according with the marks she will receive at these exams, she will be able to go to a good or not so good high-school. We are working very hard with her .... to do her best ! 

In pandemic, in Romania, the children lost a looooot in their education ....

Now, we are working very hard with them to bring them to a good level of their education.

Please, pray for Geanina. She is very much influenced by her emotional living .... and this affect a lot her school performance.

 5. Another good news is about Nicoleta (Nico) Pricope. We asked you in December to pray for her because she has some medical problems. Praise God ! He helped her ... and now she is back with us, in our team, working in the day center.  Continue to pray for her. She is taking medicines .... for long time ... Hope that God will heal her totally.

 6. Please, continue to pray for Dani and Paula Profire. They continue to have health problems. 

Yesterday, Paula went to hospital. She will have today a surgery .... So, don't forget to pray for her, for them ....

 7. About the refugees .... the war ..... Same .... We praise God that He protects us everyday. We are so thankful that we have peace in our country. The refugees are still with us. Not changes yet .... 

We continue to pray for their spiritual salvation, not only physical .....

 We appreciate very much your support, your encouragement, your care, your prayers .....May God bless and rewards you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Keep in touch,


 P.S. Thanks a lot for those 500$ you sent for us in December.

May God rewards you ! Be blessed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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