Reflections on Joshua Chapter 1

Read and reflect on Joshua Chapter 1.

Joshua Chapter 1-Communication

Joshua 1:6 “Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land, I swore to their forefathers to give them.”

Joshua is now the leader of God’s people. He was handed the position from Moses, the greatest and most revered leader of the Jewish people.  Big shoes to fill. What I noticed in this opening chapter is communication. “The Lord said”-“Joshua ordered”-“tell the people”-“Joshua said”-“the people answered”. God’s relationship with his people is based on clear communication. God’s vision for the people, the culture, instructions, orders, and norms must be conveyed to followers. Trust is all part of the interaction of communication. God must say what he means and follow through with what he said. The followers in turn must acknowledge understanding and acceptance for all the vision, cultural instructions etc. that God just passed on. That is trust- the clear communication of something and the clear acceptance of it. When that internal safety light of trust clicks on for a person through proper communication the desired actions will follow. God wanted his people to unify and walk in holiness with him. God communicated-trust was established-the people acted. Communication is my first and favorite leadership and followership trait. How are you doing with your communication skills? Is trust being established by your example of communication? Do others in your sphere of family, work, and community follow what you are trying to communicate and step into action? Something to think on- find ways to communicate more clearly this week.




Joshua Chapter 2


Crawford Gives is coming. . .