Territory and Boundaries Part 2

January 4, 2023

Territory and Boundaries part 2

Read and reflect again on Joshua chapters 18+19.

Joshua 18:8 “Go and make a survey of the land and write a description of it.” How are you doing reflecting on the past year? The new year of 2023 has begun. Did you take a good look back on 2022 and see how God was at work in your life and what he might have in store for this new year? I took some time to write down some territory that God has given me. I also began to struggle with the idea of God’s boundaries. God gave Joshua and the people a set boundary line for their territory; they got what he granted, no less, no more. I did a word study on boundary in the Bible and found an interesting verse:

“Cursed is the man who moves his neighbors’ boundary stone” Deuteronomy 27:1

God was serious about what he gave a man, and he should take no more than what he was allotted. God sets up order; he has a boundary for the light and dark (Job 26:10), on the sea and the land (Psalm 104:9, Prov. 8:29).

God also has boundaries for our spiritual, emotional, and mental well-being. Those boundaries are the 10 Commandments! The boundaries were placed in love for our protection and for the peace of our relationship with God. I

need to spend more time reflecting on the restraint the boundaries give me. They keep me from crashing ahead and taking what is not mine and what has not been gifted to me from a good and loving God.

Boundary-a gift of love from God to me.




India Report January 2023


Territory and Boundaries