The Sun Stands Still

November 6, 2022

Read and reflect on Joshua chapter 10.

Joshua 10-The Sun Stands Still

Joshua 10:12 “Joshua prayed to the Lord “Sun stand still over Gibeon, and you moon over the Valley of Aijalon. So, the sun stood still, and the moon stopped until the nation had avenged itself on its enemies.” (NIV). Now this is a cool miracle. Joshua is so honorable he is fighting for those sneaky Gibeonites who used deception to get their treaty. A bunch of bad kings came to crush the Gibeonites because they heard about the treaty. Joshua packed up the mighty men of valor and went to battle on behalf of those sneaky folks. God was fighting the battle for them, and he showed up with a miracle on Joshua’s request. Joshua had faith to believe God was going in before them to fight this battle and God honored that faith prayer. A huge area of the land was subdued after this incident. Do you let God do the fighting for you? Your request might not be as shocking as asking God to make the stand still but asking God to go ahead of you in whatever your ‘battle is’ , is sound advice. Step back, ask of God in faith, and wait and see what he would like to do on your behalf. “For we live by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7 (NIV)

What would you ask of God in faith?




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