The Ruse and the Role
October 30, 2022
Read and reflect on Joshua chapter 9.
Joshua 9-The ruse and the role
Joshua 9:3 “But when the people of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done to Jericho and AI, they resorted to a ruse..” (NIV) The people of Gibeon chose to use a ruse to get themselves under the protection of the Joshua and the Israelite people. They knew that the God of these people was the living God. The amazing reports of the miracles God had performed on Israel’s behalf was enough information for them. They submitted themselves in total humility to be used however the Israelites chose. I think it is amazing that God took them and allowed them to do service for his house of worship. They would be woodcutters and water carriers for God’s worship place. They were assimilated in the gentlest way. They escaped death and terrible slave conditions to be used to honor God’s worship for the rest of their generations. Joshua told them: “You will never be released from service as woodcutters and water carriers for the house of my God.” Joshua 9:23 (NIV) How willing are you to submit to God in humility to find out where he will place you?
Will you humble yourself before a mighty God?