Joshua Chapter 3

September 1, 2022

Read and Reflect on all of Joshua Chapter 3.

Joshua Chapter 3-The Jordan River Crossing

Joshua 3:7 And the Lord said to Joshua, “Today I will begin to exalt you in the eyes of all Israel, so they may know I am with you as I was with Moses.” God began to exalt Joshua and confirm his leadership. But even before Joshua was exalted, he said to the people, “consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you. God was about to stop the river Jordan so the people could cross over. He did that amazing thing to begin to establish Joshua as a competent and god-fearing leader. What is God doing in your life that exalts or confirms your leadership abilities? Open your spiritual eyes today and write down at least one thing that God has affirmed about your leadership (no matter that you are a stay home mom or business executive). We saw that Rahab opened her spiritual eyes in yesterday’s devotion. It is really just an exercise to help you give praise to God for his blessing in your life. Two years ago, God gave me the resolve to go ahead and sponsor a youth writing contest for our community through our small non-profit. He blessed it to happen by providing the funding and volunteer help for many details. Our second year, this spring, the contest tripled in entry numbers and volunteer judges. God has done all the increase. The awesome thing is, I did it with God’s blessings granted to me, not on my own! He led and I followed. It feels great to know God is my encourager-he goes before me and behind me.




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