
Well everyone, I just completed my first zoom meeting to promote The Time is Near book. It was great to have Stella on Zoom, all the way across the world in Delhi, India. We discussed Day One in the devotional which covered Revelation 1:1-3. It was short and sweet for our Lent kick off.

No I didn’t record it. We enjoyed a short introduction and then got right into the scripture reading and reflection questions. The challenge for reflection tonight was, what is something God has laid on your heart to do that you have been holding back on doing? And, what can you do to the remedy the situation?

One remedy for us was to pray for each others heart checks from God and to take a step in pursuing what he is speaking to us.

We will Zoom each Wednesday at 7pm Eastern standard time, from today Feb 22 until May 3rd. Next week will discuss Day 2 to Day 8 of the devotional. Purchase the book and journal on Amazon or contact me if you live local to get your copy.

Email me, ellen.byham@gmail.com and request the Zoom link for next weeks meeting. We look forward to meeting and enjoying encouragement as we journey through the book of Revelation through my 70-day, full color devotional, The Time Near, Preparing for the Return of the Lord.




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