November 26, 2022
Read and reflect on Joshua chapter 14 again today.
“I brought back a report according to my conviction” (Joshua 14:7b). Caleb and Joshua both brought back the good report after spying out the land. The encouraging report, the “they know God can conquer this land” report. Caleb knew that God was good for his promises, and he was about to claim the promise of his family territory in the promised land that was spoken to him 40 years earlier. Caleb was about to take the hill country, full of the last of the giants in the land. The words conviction and wholeheartedly describe our elder warrior in this chapter. How about us today? What are the giants we are facing? Are we people of conviction like Caleb and Joshua? Will we stand against the prevailing perverse generation that is abounding in our culture today-the woke, the liberal, the world mindset bent on destroying biblical values that uphold morality, family, and the fabric of culture? Many who say they are Christians are bending just like the other ten spies and folding to the prevailing culture because they are afraid to get ‘cancelled’ or ridiculed or persecuted for standing firm in God’s truth. These giants are not going to go away. They will take on different names and different looks and will continue to assail God’s people and Christ’s church. Be a Caleb. Be a Christian with the conviction of the Holy Spirit filling you with the truth of God’s word and speak it clearly and boldly for everyone to hear it. Serve God wholeheartedly and know that he will bring you into the Promised land. Pray that those who assail you and persecute you might also come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and enter the eternal promised land when all is done. Be like Paul when he preached from his prison in Rome, “He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance” (Acts 28:31)!
Hold to your Holy Spirit convictions. God is with you wherever you go. . .Joshua 1:9
Dare to be bold with God’s truth!