
November 24, 2022

Wholeheartedly - Age Again!

Read and reflect on Joshua chapter 14 today.

‘They followed God wholeheartedly’ (verse 8, 9, and 14). Joshua, God’s leader and Caleb, God’s warrior were not about to retire even though they had reached the golden age of 85! This chapter takes us through Caleb’s warrior conquest of his own piece of land granted to him by Moses for following God wholeheartedly 45 years earlier. Caleb and Joshua had been faithful to God and when they had returned with their spy report, they gave a good report and trusted that God would give them the Promised Land. The other 10 spies gave a lousy, fearful report and the people faltered and had to wait 40 years to enter. Caleb finally sees the promise fulfilled and takes the land at his advanced age of 85. Of course, Caleb trusted God to help him with the conquest. God gave him the strength to take a large area near Hebron and it was his own to keep in his family. We should be as active in God’s kingdom work at 10, 20, and 40 years of age and up. There is no retirement in God’s eyes. Follow God wholeheartedly and he will sustain you for his work at every age!






