Romania Report


Greetings from Galati !


We thank to the Lord for His care; He carries for us EVERY DAY. How calm we are, in these troubled times, to know that our Father rules the whole world !!!!!! Why should we worry ?!?!?!? Why should we be afraid ?!?!?!?


I was recently talking to someone who asked us how we are doing with all these news about the war?!?! And I answered that we don't even have time to think about it ....


We are very busy with our work ....

The men with their work ... constructions, repairs, investments ....

The women with their work ... of "mothers" ...


We are happy that the girls from the girls' home are doing well. In the summer, they all went through a period of "rebellion", characteristic of adolescence... but now they are ok. They work a lot with the school ... we do it together with them ... and the results are visible ... We thank God for what He does in them ....


A special prayer request is for Abela. Last week she did some medical tests and they are not good at all. It seems that she has a very strong anemia. We don't know the cause. She already started the treatment for this ... 


At the day care center we tell you that things are always changing ... and this burdens the team ...: the children are changing, the school children's schedule changes ... But we thank God that we have a good, patient and loving team ! 


We have many new children. Four of them are refugees from Muslim countries: one is from Pakistan (Ali Haider), and three, from the same family, from Afghanistan (Safi AishaHamza and Sudes). It's a big challenge for us ! Pray for all these children to know the Lord as their personal Savior, to be saved! 


Another group of children which are coming at the day center is family Tabacarul (PaulDavidCarolinaElena). They are coming from a family - very poor, with 6 children. Their mother left them and moved in Italy. The father is working hard to take care of them. Only 4 of them are coming at the day center. They are very happy that they found us ! Please, pray for these children, for this family. We want to be a family for them. 


Pray for the team, too! There are many children, the team is small ... Pray with us to find volunteers!


About the ukraineans refugees - they are still with us. Same. We are happy to strengthen our relations with them. We thank God ... and to you .... for all the support we receive for them, so that we can help them, keep them, take care of them... They have settled in quite well with us. Their lives goes on .... The babies are growing, the older ones continue with school, the sick are treated .... We are happy that they come to church and continue to hear the Gospel. Keep praying for them....


Another prayer request is for George Teo Serban. George grew-up in Betesda when he was a child. Now, he finished University ... and in September he married with Teo. Please, pray for their new family. 


The last prayer request is for our son, Jonathan. He left us and moved in Cluj where he is studying International Business at University. Pray for his protection; pray to find a good church there !


Thanks a lot for the support we have coming from you ....  

Keep in touch,







