Sow and Reap
July 18, 2022 - Sow and Reap
Galatians 6:7-8 “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” (NIV)
Are you sowing spiritual seeds from the Holy Spirit?
You reap what you sow. That is a wise saying found in all religions and cultures across the earth. The distinction for those that take this wisdom from the Bible is that they are supposed to be Christ followers. Individuals who have met the Lord Jesus and been indwelled by His Holy Spirit. This Christ follower distinction leads to Holy Spirit transformation in the heart of that person. The Christ follower becomes a spiritual Sower- or at least that is the challenge by the Apostle Paul in these verses. What are some spiritual sowing things going on with a Christ follow? Walking with Spirit, keeping in step with the Spirit, speaking by the Spirit, being strong in the Spirit, receiving power in the Spirit, being filled with the Spirit, being adopted to sonship by the Spirit, praying in the Spirit, having manifestations of the Spirit such as love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, self-control, wisdom, discernment, knowledge. . . this is not even close to an exhaustive list of all the Holy Spirit does in a Christ followers life. The Holy Spirit enables Christ followers to sow in the Spirit now and when their life on earth ends, they reap a heavenly reward. Why would you ever want to sow anything but spiritual seeds? The other kind of sowing, in the flesh, without the Holy Spirit results in destruction. The reaping still occurs; it has eternal results as well. Unfortunately, the results of sowing in the flesh are eternal suffering and damnation apart from God for all eternity. Take an honest assessment of your life. If you are a Christ follower, then you should be planting spiritual seeds that are blossoming into spiritual fruit that others are starting to notice. If you can’t find anything on the spiritual list above occurring in your life maybe, you need to confess your sins and repent and get right with Jesus. He came so that you could sow with His strength and power on a continual basis. He is waiting for you to be His kind of gardener.